Publications scientifiques
Colas, B et al. 1996. Demographic status of Centaurea corymbosa Pourret (Asteraceae), Hormatophylla pyrenaica (Lapeyr) Cullen&Dudley (Brassicaceae) and Marsilea strigosa Willd (Marsileaceae-Pieridophyta), three rare plants in the South of France. ACTA BOTANICA GALLICA 143 : 191-198
Colas, B et al. 1997. Centaurea corymbosa, a cliff-dwelling species tottering on the brink of extinction: a demographic and genetic study . PNAS 94 3471-3476.
Fréville, H. et al. 1998. Predicting endemism from population structure of a widespread species : case study in Centaurea maculosa Lam. (Asteraceae). CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 12 : 1269-278.
Colas, B et al. 2000. Introduction as a way to manage endangered plant species: Case of the Centaurea corymbosa. REVUE D‘ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE 7 133-134.
Colas, B et al. 2001. Spatio-temporal variation of reproductive success and conservation of the narrow-endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae) . BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 99 : 375 -386.
Fréville, H et al. 2000. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites in the endemic species Centaurea corymbosa Pourret (Asteraceae) and other related species . MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 9 : 1671-1672.
Colas et al. 2001. Spatio-temporal variation of reproductive success and conservation of the narrow-endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). CONSERVATION BIOLOGY 99 375-386 .
Fréville, H et al. 2001. Comparative allozyme and microsatellite population structure in a narrow endemic plant species, Centaurea corymbosa Pourret (Asteraceae) MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 10 : 879 -889.
Petit, C. et al. 2001. Gene flow and local adaptation for two endemic plant species. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 100 : 21-34.
Fréville, H et al. 2004. Spatial and temporal demographic variability in the endemic plant species Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae) . ECOLOGY 85: 694-703.
Hardy, OJ et al. 2004. Fine-scale genetic structure and gene dispersal in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). II. Correlated paternity within and among sibships. GENETICS 168 : 1601 – 1614 .
Hardy, OJ et al. 2004. Fine-scale genetic structure and gene dispersal in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae) I. Pattern of pollen dispersal . JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 17 : 795-806.
Kirchner, F et al. 2005 Effects of local density on insect visitation and fertilization success in the narrow-endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae) . OIKOS 111 : 130 -142.
Riba, M et al. 2005. Variation in dispersal traits in a narrow-endemic plant species, Centaurea corymbosa Pourret. (Asteraceae) . EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY 19: 241 -254.
Imbert, E 2006. Dispersal by ants in Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae): What is the elaiosome for? PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY 21 : 109 – 117.
Kirchner, F et al 2006. Modelling the dynamics of introduced populations in the narrow-endemic Centaurea corymbosa: a demo-genetic integration . JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 43 : 1011 -1021.
Kirchner, F. et al. 2008. Restoration demography: a 10-year demographic comparison between introduced and natural populations of endemic Centaurea corymbosa (Asteraceae). JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY 45: 1468-1476.
Imbert, E. et al. 2012. Do endemic species always have a low competitive ability ? A test for two Mediterranean plant species under controlled conditions. JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY,5 : 305-312.
Acker, P. et al. 2014. Heterogeneity of reproductive age increases the viability of semelparous population. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY, 28 : 458-468.
Hadjou Belaid et al. 2018. Predicting population viability of the narrow endemic Mediterranean plant Centaurea corymbosa under climate change. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 223 : 19-33.